Every day, more than 1,000 children worldwide are diagnosed with childhood cancer.
Not only does childhood cancer impact patients and families physically and emotionally, but financially as well. That’s why Northwestern Mutual has committed to accelerating the search for better treatments and cures for childhood cancer while supporting families undergoing treatment and survivors suffering from late effects.
This September, in honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, Northwestern Mutual is reigniting its #LemonTopChallenge on social media, donating $10 to Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for every photo or video posted on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok or LinkedIn featuring someone balancing a lemon on their head, up to $500,000. The funds will support advanced research to help families and survivors of childhood cancer experience better quality of life outcomes.
Michelle Hopkins spoke with Steve Radke, president of the Northwestern Mutual Foundation, to discuss Northwestern Mutual’s commitment to fighting childhood cancer and the efforts they’re making, including their longstanding partnership with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.
Learn more at www.northwesternmutual.com