Email address: madeline.ottilie@wcpo.com
Phone: 513-316-5344
When did you start working here?: July 2021
Where else have you worked?
I recently worked in El Paso, Texas as a morning reporter and midday anchor/producer for KVIA-TV. While in El Paso, I reported live on the ground during the Walmart mass shooting. I also covered immigration and border issues and the COVID-19 pandemic. Before working in El Paso, I worked as an intern with CBS This Morning, NBC’s TODAY and KNSD-TV in my hometown of San Diego, California.
Where did you go to college?:
I graduated from the University of Southern California. Fight on!
What are you most proud of when it comes to your work?:
I’m most proud of the moments where my work has made a difference in someone’s life. Our stories can connect viewers to essential services and programs, some that could save their lives. Hearing those stories from our viewers about the impact of our work makes me feel so blessed to be a part of this industry.
What are you most proud of in your own life?:
I’m proud of my drive and my work ethic, which have led me to some of the greatest opportunities I've received in my career. That dedication, combined with incredible support from my family and friends, has helped me create work I'm proud of.
What do you love about living in the Tri-State?:
The food! And, after living in the desert, I really love seeing the green hills, trees and big parks here! I'm not used to living somewhere so green!
What are your favorite local hangouts/places, sports & cultural institutions?:
I love Smale Riverfront Park and exploring Downtown. I’m still learning my way around the Tri-State’s unique neighborhoods. Please send any and all recommendations my way! Feel free to drop me a note on my social media pages or by sending an email to madeline.ottilie@wcpo.com.
All-time favorites…
TV Shows: Friends, The Office
Books: Anything written by Joan Didion
Movies: Legally Blonde
Apps I can't live without: Email, Instagram