Kings High students share renderings of their designs for the Monkey Bar & Grille in Hamilton Twp.

The Monkey Bar & Grille's new downstairs bar would be rustic and relaxing, featuring the structure's original stone walls, as shown in this rendering designed by Kings High School students.Provided
The proposed logo for the Monkey Bar & Grille was designed by Kings High senior Alex Fliegel.Vickie Ashwill | WCPO contributor
Kings High students' rendering of the Monkey Bar & Grille's upstairs restaurant.Provided
Kings High students' rendering of the stairs leading to an upstairs patio at Monkey Bar & Grille.Provided
Kings High School students' rendering of the patio at Monkey Bar & Grille, which would feature three fireplaces.Provided
Kings High School students Isaac Chunn, Hunter Blair and Clay Spivey present the digital drawings they did for the Monkey Bar & Grille.Vickie Ashwill | WCPO contributor
Kings High School fine arts and architecture teacher Angela Guilfoyle shows the proposed logo for the Monkey Bar & Grille.Vickie Ashwill | WCPO contributor
This is the Monkey Bar & Grille's existing downstairs bar, which was part of the original hotel, and features the original stone fireplaces. Kings High architecture and design students suggested installing a railing around the bar separating the original stone wall from that which will be restored.Vickie Ashwill | WCPO contributor
Kings High School students' rendering of the canoe dock alongside the patio at the Monkey Bar & Grille.Provided
A rendering of the new entrance to Monkey Bar & Grille.Provided
Mark Altemeier owns the Monkey Bar & Grille with his wife, Amy.Vickie Ashwill | WCPO contributor