COVINGTON, Ky. -- A few goats were a little too anxious for Covington's first annual Running of the Goats; they decided to throw caution to the wind and take off without their humans.
At around 1:15 p.m. Saturday, a group of six goats escaped near the Kenton County Administration Building and began running through Covington. They passed the Farmer's Market and crossed several streets, our photographer on the scene said.

The goats were preparing to walk in a parade celebrating the opening of the market when they took their detour. Seven goats were supposed to trot through Covington, starting at the Farmers Market and ending at Goebel Park, with a group of 40 human volunteers who were to act as a barrier around them.
"They came out and then immediately started making a break for it," Amanda Regensburger, one of the volunteers, said.
The goats were identified as the Goebel Goats, who "work" seasonally at Goebel park.
@B_Mains_Cincy they are technically running... @TheGoebelGoats
— City of Covington KY (@covingtonkygov) May 7, 2016
WANTED: @TheGoebelGoats for Escape and Fleeing!
— Rob Sanders (@KYprosecutor) May 7, 2016
The search party moved from the Farmer's Market to the Covington UFO and then Devou Park. Three goats were captured in woods near the park, one was captured in a fenced-in yard near MainStrasse Village.
Owen Powell cornered some of the goats. His dad caught one.
"The other bolted pass the guy and I went to dive for it," Powell said. "And as I dove, I planted my foot and scraped my leg against the rock, so I got a 3-inch-long laceration and a 1-inch-long laceration."
Sunday morning, the final two of the goats were captured after spending the night in the Devou woods.
You can't stop @TheGoebelGoats ! You can only hope to contain them!
— Rob Sanders (@KYprosecutor) May 7, 2016
Streets of @covingtonkygov looking but like Pamplona at the moment... only with goats running instead of bulls!
— Rob Sanders (@KYprosecutor) May 7, 2016
Organizers said they were considering some changes for the event next year.