SHARONVILLE, Ohio -- When a chain restaurant closes, have you ever wondered what happens to all the stuff?
Sure, other restaurants might buy up some of the kitchen wares. And maybe the furniture.
But what about all the decorations? You know, the vintage-y memorabilia that harkens to a simpler time, before calorie counts and gluten sensitivities and trans-fat fears.
Well, if you've ever wanted a foam hamburger the size of a booth to call your own, you're in luck: It's among the items up for auction after the Rookwood Commons location of Max & Erma's abruptly closed earlier this year. is selling off kitchen equipment, glassware, fixtures, TVs, a traffic light, a fire department pedal car, and lots of other memorabilia.
Some of the more unique items include an old Sears & Roebuck cruiser bike:

an "Enjoy Life" neon sign (no really, it insists):

an "Rx" neon sign:

and, of course, the aforementioned foam burger (or, half a burger):

If you're looking for more, shall we say, "practical" household items, high chairs, benches and table-chair sets are up for bid. (There are also restaurant-grade appliances, if you're in need of that kind of thing.)
The online auction is 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday; you can check the stuff out beforehand, on Monday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Public Storage on East Kemper Road.
If you win, you'll have to pick up your stuff between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Wednesday or Thursday from Public Storage.