The results are in.
The cookie results, anyway.
Busken Bakery started its quadrennial presidential cookie sale in August: One is stamped with Hillary Clinton, one with Donald Trump and, for the first time since 1992, a third option for the Cookie Party.
As of Tuesday, Trump is ahead in cookie votes with 16,756 sold. Clinton came in a close second with 15,200, and the Cookie Party ended with 12,694.
Busken claims the presidential cookie poll has predicted the winner every election cycle since it started in 1984, when Walter Mondale lost to incumbent Ronald Reagan. We couldn’t find data going all the way back, but you can see for yourself that the cookie poll has predicted the winner correctly since 1992, even when it didn’t match Hamilton County’s results:

So will Busken keep its streak going and come out with a correct prediction this year?
We will find out shortly.
In the meantime, Busken's Alyssa Clark weighed in on whether the cookie campaign will continue after the election.
"We will not be doing anything post election because we feel everyone is ready for it to all be over," Clark said.
Cookie sales have been pretty stable compared to years' past, but since Busken started selling them a month earlier than previous years, Clark said the bakery has sold over 20,000 more cookies so far this year than the last election.
Busken also has been selling the cookies at 180 United Dairy Farmers locations and 10 Remke Markets locations, in addition to Busken's eight stores, which could have contributed to the rise in overall cookie sales.