

PD: Driver flees when car bursts into flames after striking Sycamore Township home

PD: Driver flees when car bursts into flames after striking Sycamore Township home

SYCAMORE TOWNSHIP, Ohio -- Investigators are searching for a driver who slammed into a home opposite the northbound I-71 offramp onto Kenwood Road early Friday.

Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil said a blue, four-door 2003 Audi exited the roadway, striking the front porch of the home at 7090 Kenwood Road at about 2:15 a.m. The vehicle then caught on fire, which spread to the front porch and home.

The elderly homeowner was the only person home at the time and was alerted by responding deputies to exit through the rear of the residence due to the fire. The homeowner and his dog escaped the residence unharmed.

It is unknown at this time whether the occupants of the vehicle sustained any injury since police say the driver fled the scene.

This offense remains under investigation. Anybody with information is asked to contact the Hamilton County Sheriff's Traffic Safety Section at 513-825-1500 or Crime Stoppers at 513-352-3040.